


The pushStyle() function saves the current style settings and popStyle() restores the prior settings; these functions are always used together. They allow you to change the style settings and later return to what you had. When a new style is started with pushStyle(), it builds on the current style information. The pushStyle() and popStyle() functions can be embedded to provide more control (see the second example above for a demonstration.)


  • size(400, 400);
    ellipse(0, 200, 132, 132);  // Left circle
    pushStyle();  // Start a new style
    fill(204, 153, 0);
    ellipse(200, 200, 132, 132);  // Middle circle
    popStyle();  // Restore original style
    ellipse(400, 200, 132, 132);  // Right circle
  • size(400, 400);
    ellipse(0, 200, 132, 132);  // Left circle
    pushStyle();  // Start a new style
    fill(204, 153, 0);
    ellipse(132, 200, 132, 132);  // Left-middle circle
    pushStyle();  // Start another new style
    stroke(0, 102, 153);
    ellipse(264, 200, 132, 132);  // Right-middle circle
    popStyle();  // Restore the previous style
    popStyle();  // Restore original style
    ellipse(400, 200, 132, 132);  // Right circle


  • popStyle()


  • void